Posts Tagged ‘manual documentation’

Open Source Software Development Tool: Upgrade Progress

June 28, 2014

The overall purpose of the current Programmable Software Development
Environment upgrade process is to certify that a product generated is
certifiably releasable.

To certify a software parts library, every command except the _ERROR
command defining a library must respond to a ‘<—‘ debug flag comment
at the end of a the command line. Specifically, when the debug flag is
present, the subject command will be executed first and then the
command data (command, arguments, and results) will be displayed and
then the operator will be given a option of terminated execution or

The _ERROR command must be corrected to equivalently respond to the
debug flag.

The major difference between the _ERROR command and all other commands
is that the debug flag will be processed before the command is executed.

The Programmable Software Development Environment will be modified so
that the _ERROR command will respond to the debug flag before
terminating execution.

FRIDAY 2014/06/27

STATUS: The manual description of the __GET_ERROR_MACRO and
_GET_ERROR_TYPE commands have been successfully modified.

RESULTS: The manual descriptions for the Error Message Command Group
have now been updated,

NEXT TASK: The revised Programmable Software Development Environment
will now be prepared for publication.


Open Source Software Development Tool: Upgrade Progress

July 17, 2013

It is planned to upgrade the Programmable Software Development
Environment to include the capability of reading the paste-in text
files where the each paragraph is one very long line.  You may need to
download the latest version of the Programmable Software Development
Environment to fully understand my reports.

The ability to read the paste-in text file is needed to certify that
the file has not been changed, was developed using the agree-upon
standard libraries, or has not been illegally copied.

TUESDAY: 2013/07/16

STATUS: I have successfully updated the manual documentation associated
with the _LOAD_BUFFER  command.

DETAIL: All of the documentation associated with Output File Write
commands is found on one page and was written using Microsoft Front
Page. It is important to me to eliminate my dependence upon this

RESULTS: The _LOAD_BUFFER documentation has been successfully modified
using the Programmable Software Development Environment. This process
will continue until all of the Output File Write commands including
_WRITE_SEGMENT have been prepared using the Programmable Software
Development Environment,

NEXT TASK: The next task will be to update the documentation associated
with the _APPEND_BUFFER command.

Open Source Software Development Tool: Upgrade Progress

July 10, 2013

It is planned to upgrade the Programmable Software Development
Environment to include the capability of reading the paste-in text
files where the each paragraph is one very long line.  You may need to
download the latest version of the Programmable Software Development
Environment to fully understand my reports.

The ability to read the paste-in text file is needed to certify that
the file has not been changed, was developed using the agree-upon
standard libraries, or has not been illegally copied.

WEDNESDAY: 2013/07/10

STATUS: I have successfully updated the manual documentation associated
with the _WRITE_OUT command.

DETAIL: All of the documentation associated with Output File Write
commands is found on one page and was written using Microsoft Front
Page. It is important to me to eliminate my dependence upon this

RESULTS: The _WRITE_OUT documentation has been successfully modified
using the Programmable Software Development Environment. This process
will continue until all of the Output File Write commands including
_WRITE_SEGMENT have been prepared using the Programmable Software
Development Environment,

NEXT TASK: The next task will be to update the documentation associated
with the _LOAD_BUFFER command.